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2015 US Presidential Election Betting Update PT 2

That’s in pretty sharp contrast to the across the board odds-on price tag that she was trading at for quite some time and now you’ll find her available at a very solid listing if you still believe that she’ll pull off her shift to the presidency. The Clinton Foundation scandals continue to dog her and things have only gone from bad to worse with the release of confirmation that Hillary circulated Sidney Blumenthal’s reports as though they were State Department communiques and even mainstream publications are beginning to go after her. 


If you’re looking to beat Hillary Clinton there is a genuine cadre of Republican contenders sitting there in the outright market and the only real plausible challenger according to the bookmakers is Jeb Bush who trades at a 9/2 margin right and represents a good bit of value for anybody that thinks he has a genuine chance. 

While there is obviously plenty of fatigue in America about electing another Clinton or another Bush, the fact remains that he is running a pretty solid campaign and is able to, at least, look more presidential than many others. His ability to speak Spanish fluently will prove to be an asset throughout the campaign as well. 

Marco Rubio is also in the mix here and trades right alongside Scott Walker at the exact same price tag of about 12/1 with various bookmakers. Rubio has proven to be a very serious candidate and has attracted some big money donors, which is telling when you consider that Jeb Bush and Rubio both hail from the same state. Ran Paul is also in the mix right now too and trades at a 20/1 margin on the heels of his filibuster against government surveillance of cell phone conversations in the past 24 hours. 

Elizabeth Warren is still considered to be Hillary’s biggest rival in the betting markets for Democrats exclusively and she is a best-price 33/1 to be the next president. Martin O’Malley continues to gain steam and is set to announce an official challenge to Clinton soon. He’s anywhere between 20/1 and 50/1 right now and could be popular if he pulls off something in Iowa. 

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