Jumps Racing Betting
Steeplechasing and hurdles racing encompass what’s popularly known as Jumps Racing throughout most of the world.
As opposed to flat racing, jumps races send horses involve distances of anywhere from 2m to 4.5m over obstacles. It’s a dramatically different style of racing as opposed to its flat counterpart, and is widely considered to be a much more approachable and affordable sport for the common person.
Jumps horses’ careers tend to be much longer and they only really begin serious training at the age of 4; an age when most flat runners are looking at retirement.
While England is the capital of jumps racing, you’ll find these events happening everywhere from France, Germany, Australia, Eastern Europe, New Zealand and even America.
The United States east coast alone boasts an impressively large following for private steeplechasing events. With big fields, big excitement and major drama at every turn, jumps racing shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon. For a little advice on how to bet on horses, head to: How to Bet on Horse Racing.